Zone Mortalis, a High Gothic term referring to the most savage arenas possible. From tangled mine works, labyrinthine industrial sewer systems; sacred catacombs; to the darkest underhives. All of these places have a confluence of factors in common, such as close confinement, limited access for attack or escape routes, as well as treacherous environments, which make them murderous venues for warfare that also facilitate the most brutal and violent combat tactics possible.
Add to your Zone Mortalis terrain with additional columns and walls. This multipart plastic set contains:
– 6 Columns
– 1 Wide Wall
– 4 Walls
– 2 Wide Doors
– 2 Doors
This highly detailed plastic terrain kit made to be as interchangeable as possible, offering the most room for creative and unique layouts. It's fully compatible with all other Zone Mortalis kits and makes ideal terrain for games of Necromunda, Warhammer 40,000 or even Kill Team.