(38mm Scale)
Who are the Spires?
Named after the miles tall structures that house their entire civilization, the Spires arrived on Ea countless millennia ago. Having lost their homeworld and their race split up due to internal conflicts, The rulers of the Spires are the scientists, aristocrats, and those of great wealth, who have all perverted their innate attunement of life magic and creation to make armies of genetic monstrosities, servile drones, and an underclass of clones to wage their wars for them.
The only “true” members of the Spire army are the Biomancers and Pheromancers, who are simply there to guide their creations and observe their capability, while augmenting them to suit their creator’s purpose.
How do they play?
Spires are able to field a variety of options, from hordes of drones, to ranks of combat ready clones, and even elite armies composed entirely of war beasts and Avatara suits. Speed is the favored weapon of the Spires, making them faster than their enemies and capable of further leveraging this advantage via Biomancies and Pheromancies which allow them to push their soldiers past their limits, making them stronger, faster, and deadlier, at the cost of their own lives. However, Spire would not waste lives so inefficiently, so they have incredibly powerful healing abilities to ensure that your creations die when you say it is time for them to die. Their battleplans revolve around up trading their units with the opponents by using their Biomancies.
Spires Split Kits include:
Vanguard Clone Infiltrators can produce Vanguard Clones